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Operational Tips and Information

Welcome to Corectec's Online Radiography Review. The new website provides a comprehensive review based on the 2025 A.R.R.T. content specifications for the Radiography Examination.

How to order – If you have been given an Order Confirmation Code by your instructor or bookstore:

  1. Go to and click the “Login” link in the top right corner
  2. Enter your Order Confirmation Code in the “Order Confirmation Code” box (this is located on the right side of the screen)
  3. Click “Create Account”
  4. Enter your full name, email address, password, and security question – click “Continue”
  5. Your account is active. No email confirmation is needed. 
  6. To login, click the “Login” link in the top right corner of the website
  7. Enter the email address and password you created to log in

How to order – if you do NOT already have a Confirmation Code

  1. Click the “Order” link at the top of the page
  2. Select the “Online Review Course” by clicking in the box
  3. You do not need a printed Review Book, Click “Continue”
  4. Complete the Customer Information; if the credit card belongs to someone else, be sure to put YOUR name and address in the Shipping Information
  5. Click “Continue”
  6. Enter the Payment Information
  7. Click “Confirm Order”
  8. Create your Student Account, using your unique email address. This will become your login, so please enter a valid email that you have access to.
  9. Click “Continue”
  10. If you need a receipt Print the Order Complete page. A receipt will not be emailed, so please print this page, if you need a receipt
  11. Your account is active. No email confirmation is needed.
  12. Now click the “Login” link in the top right corner of the website
  13. Enter the email address and password you created to log in

About the Content on our Website

  • • Please note: The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion and other matters related to the Site are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any such matters or any part of the Site is strictly prohibited. This includes copying into program like Quizlet or StudyBlue. We review these sites daily for Copyright infringement.
  • • The lessons include the 2025 A.R.R.T. Content Specifications for the Radiography Examination. The ARRT has granted us permission to use this copyrighted material provided we publish this disclaimer: "The ARRT does not review, evaluate, or endorse publications. Permission to reproduce ARRT copyrighted materials within this review course should not be construed as an endorsement of the review course by the ARRT." Their outline is not underlined. The material that is underlined is provided by Corectec. We recommend that you print the lessons and study them thoroughly.

Using the Website

  • • You may access Corectec's Online Review from a computer, tablet, or smart phone. However, be sure to log out of Corectec on each device before you log in again on another device. Scores may not be tabulated accurately if you are logged in on two devices at the same time.
  • • The exercises vary in length so note the questions remaining. Each exercise may be repeated over and over but only your highest score will be displayed in the Menu page. Please note that Instructors may have access to all scores, however. Your instructors may ask you to complete an exercise by a specific date and then repeat it after they have checked your score. You may EXIT before completing an exercise, quiz or exam by clicking the “My Online Review” tab in the menu bar at the top right hand corner of the website. Your Menu page will show a red progress bar to indicate you are not finished with that exercise, quiz or exam. You may look at lessons, exercises, quizzes or exams in any order. Scrolling your Menu page will reveal your progress.
  •  • Your instructor will tell you when and where to take each exam. Do not click on an exam until your instructor tells you to. When you select an exam the “Take Exam” button will turn from green to gray and your instructor will know that you have opened the exam. • Please click the "Continue" button ONLY ONCE. If it takes longer than five seconds to bring up the next question, you may click your browser's "STOP" button and then click continue again. Do NOT click “Continue” multiple times since this may affect your score calculations. • After submitting your answer, a green check mark will appear next to the correct answer. If you get the question wrong a red X will also appear next to the answer you selected.
  • • After each question has been presented to you once, any questions that you skipped will be presented again. If you skipped one or more questions you will need to answer them before a score will be placed on your Menu page.
  • Do Not let anyone know your password. If someone else uses your password, your password will be retired.
  • If you would like to print the lessons, you may do so using the print function of your browser. You cannot copy and paste the Corectec content into another program.
  •  • Use Corectec’s Online Review to reveal and then increase your depth of understanding. If you miss a question, research the material. You should be able to write an explanation for the correct answer in your own words.

Maintenance, Issues Accessing the Website, and Technical Assistance

  • Maintenance - When maintenance is necessary, the Corectec website may be down for a brief period of time. We appreciate your patience and do our best to handle maintenance during non-peak times. If we have a planned maintenance time, we will post on the site before the maintenance occurs, so you can plan ahead.
  • Technical Support - If you have a technical issue with connecting to the site, you should LOG OFF the website, turn off your computer for a minute and then reboot and log back in. If rebooting does not resolve the issue, then call Corectec between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. EST. Internet technology is getting better every year, but a glitch is possible.
  • Cannot reach website - If you get an error saying you cannot reach the site, please Google the phrase “what is my IP address” and email the results to with the subject “cannot load website”. Most likely your IP has been temporarily blocked and it is a simple matter to unblock it, if we know what it is.
  • Password Problems - If you have forgotten your password, or your password is not working for some reason, click “Login” and then “Forgot Password” – please check your SPAM folder for the email response. If that does not work, email with the subject “password reset” – be sure to email from the email account that is used to access the website, and we will reset your password.
Coretec's Online Review ARRT Test Prep Course contains copyrighted materials.